Monday, 13 October 2014

Time is Money

When prompted to undertake Tianshi network marketing, you think maybe you will not do it because you think you do not have time. But did you know that if you want to find the time, it is found?
On one condition, however:   Getting a Head in advance.
If you program your mind an event, activity, training, your life will magically organize them to free you.

Then you need motivation. Do you really want to one day have your financial independence, your company well and you get rid of any boss? If this is the case, Tianshi will save you a lot of money. But for this you need to find the time to devote to it, because, as the English say, “Time is money.” That is to say, “Time is money.”

Here is how you lose time, so money:
1. The Time for Reflection

When you hear about Tianshi for the first time, instead of believing, you may be saying, “I’ll think about it.” This time of reflection is a waste of time, so a waste of money.
2. The Time for Decision
When, after much thought, you finally think it’s a good deal, you still take your time to make the decision to go for registration. This time the decision is a waste of time, so a waste of money.
3. The Time of Personal Effort
When, after having done your registration, you take your time to make your own efforts to product purchases, you lose time, that is to say money. As soon you reach the 3 stars, the sooner you will start making money.
4.-Time for Sponsorship
When you have finally managed to reach your 3 stars, you think maybe you’ll take a break before starting a new sponsor downline. All the time you spend in sleep can be leveraged to quickly sponsor new referrals, which should enable you to earn more money quickly.
5.-Time for Training
You cannot be a good “marketer” if you do not receive a good education. So find time to attend regular training sessions which are organized around you. This valuable training time is money earned.
6.-Time for Monitoring
If you are not sure on your network, you will not know if it develops or not. And even if it develops, you will not know if it develops in the direction you would like. However, the development of your network to ensure your success in Tianshi. So find time to monitor your network. Because it will be almost impossible to you alone to build your network. All team members must contribute. So you need to monitor and guide. Know that your network working for you, every month and every month.
So to summarize for us, how much time do you need per day to Tianshi? 45 minutes should be sufficient, assuming you work full time somewhere. These 45 minutes are gold. And, of course, you can earn and do more on Saturday or Sunday. So what we keep saying, “I do not have time.” Because we find the time to toast in a refreshment area, we find the time to follow a daily soap opera on TV, there is time to go picnicking, to go to the market to make a run for … What do I know yet?

The biggest waste of time, it is doubtful that one can have the time. Doubt you from moving forward, mine your energies, you distracted from the only thing that matters: set up your Tianshi network, build and make money.

If one day you find a deal that works on its own without having to invest time and that can bring more than Tianshi, please let me know and I’d be happy to follow you. From now on, you must have the time to enjoy what is proven and very strong currently MARKET: TIANSHI!

And for those who are not registered, here’s my contact information that will allow you to do.
Shaikh Abuzaid (Bronze Lion Distributor)
             Nazir Ahmad
            Ph.: 09797014898

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